Boundless is god as per the quotes of saints and so is his devotion, for exclusively devoted one there is nothing but one state of forgetting his own ego and remains absorbed in absolute to attain the state of total bliss for final beatitude.
Where the god is there I am, where I am god is there is the only thought one keeps with is bound to achieve the ultimate success in life.
Through out the journey where by in beginning, middle and end the attention takes rout to lord for a perfect unison with out a break even then lord manifest to bless one for ultimate glory of life.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The greatest Benefactor of Mankind and Nature, Light of wisdom for spirit to follow the path of Life
True Saints
True saintsMasters of Six passions_Lust, greed, anger, infatuation, pride and jealousy,Sinless by natureDisinterested, firm, possessing nothing yet richPure both waysFull of blissModerate in diet, truthful and inspiredLearned and united with ultimate truthCircumspect, bestowing honor on othersFree From Pride and highly conversant with the course of righteousnessAbode of virtues, above the sorrows of this world and free from doubts and dualityFeel delighted to hear the praise of truth and truthful peopleEven minded and placidGuileless by nature and lovingFull of piety, forgiveness, friendly to all and compassionate,Given over of observances and undertake sacred vows