Saints bear Kindness and forgiveness in their heart for followers to bring glory on the face of followers in life. They are store home niceness and abode of virtues above from the sorrows of world and free from doubts.
They blush to hear themselves praised but feel delighted to hear well of others is basics of their inner core. Even minded and placid, they always adore the right course in life in any circumstances.
They never remains absorbed in mundane existance adore the path of austerity in life to reach at true self. Guileless in nature and loving all the way is their basics. Remains devoted to the lotus feet of lord.
They take course of righteous in life, remain far apart from the orbit of proud or so and perfect in senses control and never track the undue sensual modes in life. Characterized by dispassion, discretion, modesty, knowledge of truth relates to the supreme soul, illusion and life.
They track religious observances with all faith, full of piety, cheerfulness, compassion and friendly to all, just a sight of such saints makes the favorable changes in life.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The greatest Benefactor of Mankind and Nature, Light of wisdom for spirit to follow the path of Life
True Saints
True saintsMasters of Six passions_Lust, greed, anger, infatuation, pride and jealousy,Sinless by natureDisinterested, firm, possessing nothing yet richPure both waysFull of blissModerate in diet, truthful and inspiredLearned and united with ultimate truthCircumspect, bestowing honor on othersFree From Pride and highly conversant with the course of righteousnessAbode of virtues, above the sorrows of this world and free from doubts and dualityFeel delighted to hear the praise of truth and truthful peopleEven minded and placidGuileless by nature and lovingFull of piety, forgiveness, friendly to all and compassionate,Given over of observances and undertake sacred vows